One of you can refuse property division in principle for as long as you like. There is no time limit. But it is of no use if the other person then chooses to apply for a property division executor. So it is not possible to delay the whole thing if the partner is not on board. A division of property is needed so that you know how property should be distributed after divorce, separation or death. It is also possible to divide property during an ongoing marriage, for example to protect the partner’s property when investing in companies.
Yes, in the event of a divorce, property must be divided. Although there is no time limit, it is wise to do it as soon as possible. For married spouses, the basic rule is that property is divided in the event of death. If you are cohabiting and surviving, you can request property division, but you are not obliged to do so. If you do so, you are entitled to half of the joint property.
If you agree, you can in principle resolve the property division immediately. In addition to this, of course, there are formalities, such as a change of ownership of a home, where it is the processing time of the bank and the authorities that is decisive. If you do not agree, a property division can still go fairly quickly thanks to the help of a property division executor if you/you want.
No. A shareholder agreement only regulates the relationship between shareholders. You cannot exempt yourself from obligations together with your partner through a shareholder agreement. If you want to do that, you need a prenuptial agreement.
Correspondingly, the person who owns no shares can claim an unreasonably high value in order to receive a larger lot in the division of the estate. We believe that any form of manipulation of the value is unethical. Therefore, we operate under a strict anti-corruption policy to ensure that we are 100% independent. In connection with property division if one of you is a partner in a company. We help you with an unbiased and balanced valuation that you can both trust.
How do you divide property during marriage, before you do the property division, you need to report this to the tax agency. After that, you do the inventory yourself and then you sign the property division agreement. Property division in case of death in the event of death, an estate register must be made in accordance with the requirements set out in the inheritance code. In this estate register, the assets and liabilities that the deceased had are reported.